The Matchroom Sport Charitable Foundation has donated £5,000 to support Animal Antiks, to continue their work helping younger members through animal assisted therapy.
Based on a farm in the Buckinghamshire countryside, Animal Antiks is a charity committed to helping and supporting a diverse group of people with various mental health and disability needs by providing a safe and calm environment within which everyone can develop important life, social and functional skills to overcome social exclusion, support mental health issues and disabilities including learning disabilities.
Using animal assisted learning/therapy; combining animals, people and nature, Animal Antiks members learn respect, care and compassion in each element of their daily tasks. Animals provide a great way to break down barriers and structure daily activities whilst giving unconditional love – a space where young people and adults can thrive. Farm therapy, adult social care, a youth group and weekly walk and talks are all offered at Animal Antiks .
CEO/Founder Sarah Kettlety said “Over the past year, we have seen a significant increase in referrals; and as such recognise a need for our junior sessions. By offering them the therapeutic time in our outside classroom and with our animals these children and young adults are able to develop their esteem and resilience to work towards them being more education ready.
The generous donation from Matchroom Sport Charitable Foundation has enabled us to support and improve not only the lives of young people who would not have been able to access the facility but also their families.”
The £5,000 has been spent on providing farm therapy sessions, enabling over 20 younger members to participate in mental health and wellbeing walk and talk sessions. The walk and talk sessions have had many lasting effects – Feedback received from members/parents/carers include –
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